MCHS Events & Activities

Throughout the years MCHS has held and sponsored many events & activities in both the Pioneer Museum as well as throughout the community! Here a few examples! 

2024 Pioneer Museum Events & Tours

Author Patick M. Garry held a PowerPoint presentation and book signing for his book, The Power of Gratitude: Charting a Path Toward a Joyous and Faith-Filled Life. He uses a memoir of his parents to illustrate what he sees as the defining trait of their lives—gratitude.

"We had a great crowd and an awesome time talking about the Luedtke Slough Controversy! Special thanks to former FHS Biology Teacher Dan Kehrberg for being on hand (with props) to give his firsthand experiences and answer questions."

The 17th annual MCHS Card Party: "What an amazing card party - there was lots of fun, games, and CAKE! Thank you to all who came!

We were very excited to host Quality of Life Day for the Martin County Leadership Class - a great time was had by all!

2023 Pioneer Museum Events & Tours

2023 MCHS Annual Meeting

This years annual meeting..................................................

Trimont Area Homeschool Coop

St. John Vianney School 5th Grade

Martin Luther High School 7 & 8 Grades

St. John Vianney School 5th Grade

Blue Earth Area School 2nd Grade

Fairmont Elementary School 5th Grade

Martin County West 6th Grade

Fairmont Elementary School 1st Grade

Blue Earth Area School 2nd Grade

Kids at the Red Rock Center